South Asia, Northern Africa and Southwestern Asia


Prep for exam for Lesson 3 in World Geography
Flashcards by paul.schneider, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by paul.schneider over 10 years ago

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Question Answer
What percentage of the population in India live in the Ganges River Basin? 40%
What was a significant reason for the creation of the religions Buddhism and Jainism? As a rejection of Hinduism's many gods and caste system
Mahatma Gandhi's non-violence code was first used by what religious leader? Mahaveera of Jainism
What is Urdu? The official language of Pakistan, form of Hindi language
What company used the British Indian army to control South Asian colonies? British East India Company
What was created in 1857 with the nickname "British Raj"? British Indian Empire
How did the British try to "civilize" India? Through Western-style education, technology, public works and law
What terms were used for the lowest caste in Hindi society? "Untouchables" "Scheduled Castes" "Dalit" - "ground down" or "oppressed"
How did Pervez Musharraf become dictator in Pakistan in 1999? The army general seized power and dissolved the elected parliament
Who was elected president of Pakistan in 2008? Asif Ali Zardari, the husband of assassinated former prime minister, Benazir Bhutto
What did Pakistan get in return from the United States in exchange for support in the War on Terror? The US dropped sanctions from Pakistan's 1998 nuclear tests
What Hindi country became a democracy in the 1980s? Nepal
Who did Nepal's monarchy have to make a deal with for a cease-fire in 2006? Communist (Maoist) rebel group
What country wants to emphasize "Gross National Happiness," to look at cultural, spiritual and environmental well-being? Bhutan
What country has grown the most in the most rural areas of South Asia? Afghanistan has grown 2.6 percent per year
What is the largest city in Pakistan? Karachi
What cities are in Bangladesh? Dhaka is the capital. Chittagong is the main port. Khulna is an industrial center.
Where is the center of India's movie industry? Mumbai, called "Bollywood"
What is the nickname of Bengaluru, Bangalore? "Garden City"
Why has Kashmir been fight over between India and Pakistan? It was a Muslim territory when sold to an Hindu ruler, it sided with India when Pakistani tribesmen invaded. In 1948, there was a ceasefire keeping Kashmir divided.
How did India try to solve its water shortage? Dams were built for irrigation of farms, hydroelectric power, flood control and construction
Describe the climate in Northern Africa and South Asia. Dry - Steppe or Desert Evaporation rate higher than precipitation Freezing winters Little cloud cover
What were the the top emitters of CO2 in 1997? Iran, Saudia Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Kutwait
What is monotheism? Religion based on a single god, became dominent with rise of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Shia Muslims are the majority in what two major Middle East countries? Iran and Iraq
What are souks? Commercial areas within a Medina
What was the last empire of Southwestern Asia? Ottoman Turks
What was the purpose of the Arab league? In 1945, it was created to unite Arab countries to oppose the creation of Israel.
How did most countries' leaders in the Middle East react to the Iranian Revolution in 1979? They suppressed Muslims trying similar actions and imprisoned religious activists.
How is OPEC a cartel? It is an organization that coordinates the interests of producing countries by regulating oil prices.
What was the purpose of the Nile Waters Agreement? For Egypt and Sudan to build the Aswan High Dam to store ware and generate electricity.
Where are the Atlas Mountains located? The northern parts of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, known as Maghreb.
What happened to Egypt in the second half of the 20th century? Became independent Socialist state Developed economically faster in 1960s and 1970s under leadership of Gamel Abdul Nasser
What is a diversified economy? When manufactured goods are more important than primary products, a variety of manufactured products, along with service sector.
What did Mustafa Kemal Ataturk do to help Turkey's economy? He modernized the economy and involved in the global economy
What are janajaweeds in Darfur? It is an armed rebel group, the term means "devil on horseback with a gun"
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