

Inglés Flashcards on Gerundio, created by Made Escobar on 28/07/2017.
Made Escobar
Flashcards by Made Escobar, updated more than 1 year ago
Made Escobar
Created by Made Escobar about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Preposición Is Following For Verb He left without saying goodbye
Adjectives with prepositions He is good AT playing soccer
I'm tired of arguing with you I'm not used to getting up early.
Are you interested IN buying a new house. We are excited about going ON a trip.
After Phrasal Verbs I'm LOOKING FORWARD TO meeting you. Tengo muchas ganas de conocerte.
we ENDED UP going out to eat. I have to GIVE UP smoking.
verbs is following with gerunds admit deny dislike enjoy finish involve keep mind miss postpone resist risk
He admitted stealing the ring. (Admitió haber robado el anillo.) He will DENY stealing that car. (Negará haber robado ese coche.)
I dislike flying. (No me gusta ir en avión) Do you enjoy playing cards. (te gusta jugar cartas)
I finished cheking your homework. The job involves cooking and cleaning.
He kept working, depite being sick. I dont' mind working late.
I miss having a garden. they had to postpone opening the new store.
I couldn't resist buying it. you risk losing everything.
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