Chapter 9


Vocabulary Flashcards on Chapter 9, created by missjenig on 19/05/2013.
Flashcards by missjenig, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by missjenig almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Depreciate (Chapter 9) To fall or decrease in value or price; to lower the value of
Indiscriminate (Chapter 9) Not chosen carefully; not based on careful selection
Sedentary (Chapter 9) Marked by much sitting; requiring or taking little exercise
Tenet (Chapter 9) A belief or principle held to be true by an individual or group
Terse (Chapter 9) Brief and clear; effectively concise
Bolster (Chapter 9) To hold up, strengthen, or reinforce; support with rigid object
Inquisitive (Chapter 9) Curious; eager to learn
Replete (Chapter 9) Plentifully supplied; well-filled
Nebulous (Chapter 9) Vague; unclear
Relegate (Chapter 9) To assign to a less important or less satisfying position, place, or condition
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