Korean Level 1.5 Glossary


Korean school Oslo level 1.5 Flashcards on Korean Level 1.5 Glossary, created by Alexander Asplund on 24/08/2017.
Alexander Asplund
Flashcards by Alexander Asplund, updated more than 1 year ago
Alexander Asplund
Created by Alexander Asplund about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
-엣어 location particle (of dynamic event)
-에 location particle (of target destination)
살다 to live (where do you live?)
은/는 topic of sentence (e.g. the target of a question)
누구예요? Who is it?
할아버지 grandfather
할머니 grandmother
아빠 father
엄마 mother
me (informal)
me (formal)
오리 동생이에요 it is our little brother/sister
친구 friend
-예요/-이에요 as particle, [it] is (to be, present tense)
선생님 teacher
가족 family
어디에 가요? Where are (you) going?
회사 company
백화점 department store
학교 school
유치원 daycare/kindergarten
가다 to go
병원 hospital
약국 pharmacy
신문 newspaper
그림 picture
우유 milk
주스 juice
읽다 to read 읽어요 - reading
을/를 object marking particle 책을 읽어요 - reading a book
텔레비전 TV
봐요 looking 보다 - to look
마셔요 drinking 마시다 - to drink
먹다 to eat
그려요 painting (a picture) 그리다
뭘 해요? What are you doing? 뭘 = 뭐 + 을 (object particle)
-이/-가 subject particle 토니는 뭐가 좋아요? What does Tony like? 저는 우유가 좋아요. I like milk.
사탕 candy
과자 cookie
만두 dumpling
피자 pizza
스파게티 spaghetti
밥상 small table used for eating together in Korea (normal table: 식탁)
식탁 table
뭘 젛아해요 What do [you] like?
싫어하다 to dislike
불구기와 김치 bulgogi and kimchi
노래하다 to sing
공부하다 to study
운동하다 to exercise
축구하다 to play soccer
전화하다 talk on the telephone
누가 전화해요? Who is on the phone?
언제 When? 언제 수영해요? When do you swim?
아침 morning
저년 evening 저년에 -> in the evening
오늘 today
내일 tomorrow
바다 sea
싸다 to write
보세요 please do
장난감 toy
있다 to exist
없다 to not exist
기차 train
비행기 airplane
자동차 car
인형 doll
강아지 인형 puppy doll
뭘 있어요? What do you have/is there?
필통 pencil case
우산 umbrella
신발 shoes
가위 scissors
이건 누구 우간이에요? Whose umbrella is this?
시계 watch (clock)
todo - add rest of words since Kap 10 classes TODO!
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