problemas que interviene ene el aprendizaje


Cuadro Sinoptico
ana luisa becerril
Flowchart by ana luisa becerril, updated more than 1 year ago
ana luisa becerril
Created by ana luisa becerril almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Problemas que Intervienen en el Aprendizaje 
  • Broca´s Aphasia 
  • Trouble with  speech production ,speech consist of very short and simple sentence. 
  • Reading and writing not as affected. 
  • ° Fleuncy: Not fluency  ° Naming: Poor  ° Comprehension: Good  ° Repetition: Poor 
  • Wernicke´s Aphasia 
  • °Fluency: Fluent  ° Naming: Paraphasic error  ° Comprehension: Poor ° Repetition: Poor
  • Language comprehension difficulty, especially with complex sentence. 
  • Conduction Aphasia 
  • A type of fluent aphasia with a prominent impairment with repetition. Damage typically involves the arcuate fasciculus and the left parietal region.
  • ° Error - filled speech, but good comprehension and repetitition is so  poor.   
  • Dyslexia 
  • Developmental reading disorder. 
  • Develpmental Phonological: poor at sounding out or novel real words. 
  • Developmental Surface: not established but believe to exist; poor at reading sight words, goog at sounding out words. 
  • Alexia 
  • Inability to read due to brain damage. 
  • 3  broad types of symtoms 
  • Total Alexia ° Total inability to read 
  • Verbal Alexia  ° Inability to read, single words, but can read single letters.   
  • Literal Alexia  ° Inability to read single  letters, but can read full words. 
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