Definite/Indefinite Article (Singular & Plural) - decision flowchart


A flowchart to help work out correct noun article agreements for definite and indefinite, singular and plural nouns. Separate flashcards for nouns that don't conform to these rules.
Valerie Latus
Flowchart by Valerie Latus, updated more than 1 year ago
Valerie Latus
Created by Valerie Latus almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Definite / Indefinite Articles - Singular + Plural Rules*  
  • singular?
  • Yes
  • No, plural
  • Masculine?
  • No, feminine
  • Yes
  • Starts with consonant?
  • No, vowel
  • Yes
  • Starts with s+consonant, gn, pn, ps, x, z, y or i +vowel?
  • Yes
  • No
  • uno / lo
  • un / il
  • un / l'
  • Starts with consonant?
  • Yes
  • una / la
  • No, vowel
  • un' / l'
  • Is it masculine?
  • No, feminine
  • Yes, change end letter to -i
  • Does it start with a consonant?
  • Yes
  • Does it start with s+consonant, gn, pn, ps, x, z, y or i +vowel?
  • yes
  • i
  • no
  • ends in -e?
  • yes, change end to -i
  • no, change end letter to -e
  • le
  • No, vowel
  • gli
  • *There are exceptions, see separate Flashcards
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