Conditionals - Jesús Valle Furtado


Mapa conceptual realizado como trabajo de la 2º evaluación de inglés.
Jesús Valle
Flowchart by Jesús Valle, updated more than 1 year ago
Jesús Valle
Created by Jesús Valle over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Conditionals
  • Zero Conditional
  • First Conditional
  • Second Conditional
  • Third Conditional
  • Estructure: Present simple  -  Present simple
  • Always happens. Universal knowledge
  • Example: If you heat water at 100ºC, it boils  
  • Estructure: Present simple   -   Future (Will)
  • Estructure: Past simple   -   Would (+ infinitive)
  • Estructure: Past perfect   -   Would have (+ participle)
  • It is possible that it happpens
  • It is little possible that it happens
  • It can not happen
  • Example: If you study, you will pass your exams  
  • Example: If I won the lottery, Iwould travel to Rome  
  • Example: If I had done that, I would have passed  
  • We use the zero conditional when we are 100% sure of a fact (scientific)
  • We use the first conditional: - To discuss possible or probable future events. - To make promises and give warnings.
  • We use the second conditional: - To discuss imaginary situations in the present. - To discuss imaginary or improbable events in the future.
  • We use the third conditional to discuss hypothetical past events (which didn't happen)
  • Conditionals with modals
  • as long as, even if, providing that, unless
  • We can use unless to mean if...not in negative conditional setences.
  • We can use even if instead of if to show that the result will not be affected by the condition.
  • We can use providing that or as long as (usually in first conditional setences) to mean but only if.
  • Example: Crime levels will continue to fall as long as we keep the same number of police officers.  
  • Example: We'll be late unless we leave now  
  • Example: The workers will strike even if their wages are increased.  
  • Second conditional
  • First conditional
  • Third conditional
  • - Ability: could have - Possibility: might have
  • - Ability: could - Possibility: might/could - Permission: could
  • - Possibility: may/might - Permission: can - Obligation: must - Suggestion: Should
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