Key English Texts Across Time


A timeline of English texts throughout history that have contributed to or had influence on the English Language.
Zoe Veling
Flowchart by Zoe Veling, updated more than 1 year ago
Zoe Veling
Created by Zoe Veling about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Old English  450 - 1100
  • Middle English  1100 - 1500
  • Early Modern English 1500 - 1700
  • 1586 The first grammar of English—William Bullokar's Pamphlet for Grammar is published.
  • 1590-1611 William Shakespeare writes his Sonnets and the majority of his plays.
  • 1604 Robert Cawdrey's Table Alphabeticall, the first English dictionary is published. 
  • 1611 The Authorized Version of the English Bible (the "King James" Bible) is published, greatly influencing the development of the written language.
  • 1622 Weekly News, the first English newspaper, is published in London.
  • 1667 John Milton publishes his epic poem Paradise Lost.
  • 1697 In his Essay Upon Projects, Daniel Defoe calls for the creation of an Academy of 36 "gentlemen" to dictate English usage.
  • Late Modern English
  • 1702 The Daily Courant, the first regular daily newspaper in English, is published in London.
  • 1709 The first Copyright Act is enacted in England.
  • 1712 Anglo-Irish satirist and cleric Jonathon Swift proposes the creation of an English Academy to regulate English usage and "ascertain" the language.
  • 1715 Elisabeth Elstob publishes the first grammar of Old English.
  • 1755 Samuel Johnson publishes his two-volume Dictionary of the English Language.
  • 1760-1795 This period marks the rise of the English grammarians whose rule books, primarily based on prescriptive notions of grammar, become increasingly popular. 
  • 1762 Robert Lowth publishes his Short Introduction to English Grammar.
  • Mid 19th century A standard variety of American English develops. English is established in Australia, South Africa, India, and other British colonial outposts.
  • 1150 Approximate date of the earliest surviving texts in Middle English.
  • Beowulf- composed by an anonymous poet between the 8th century and the early 11th century.
  • 1387 Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales is first published
  • Late Modern English 1900 - Present
  • 1906 Henry and Francis Fowler publish the first edition of The King's English.
  • 1919 H. L. Menken publishes the first edition of The American Language, a pioneer study in the history of a major national version of English.
  • 1925 The New Yorker magazine is founded by Harold Ross and Jane Grant.
  • 1925 George P. Krapp publishes his two-volume The English Language in America, the first comprehensive and scholarly treatment of the subject.
  • 1926 Henry Fowler publishes the first edition of his Dictionary of Modern English Usage.
  • 1928 The Oxford English Dictionary is published.
  • 1950 Kenneth Burke publishes A Rhetoric of Motives.
  • 1957 Noam Chomsky publishes Syntactic Structures, a key document in the study of generative and transformational grammar.  
  • 1972 A Grammar of Contemporary English (by Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik) is published. The first call on a personal cell phone is made. The first email is sent.
  • 1978 The Linguistic Atlas of England is published.
  • 1981 The first issue of the journal World Englishes is published.
  • 1985 A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language is published by Longman. The first edition of M.A.K. Halliday's An Introduction to Functional Grammar is published.
  • 1988 The Internet (under development for more than 20 years) is opened to commercial interests.
  • 1989 The second edition of The Oxford English Dictionary is published.
  • 1994 Text messaging is introduced, and the first modern blogs go online.
  • 1995 David Crystal publishes The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language.
  • 1997 The first social networking site ( is launched. (Friendster is introduced in 2002, and both MySpace and Facebook begin operating in 2004.)
  • 2000 The Oxford English Dictionary Online (OED Online) is made available to subscribers.
  • 2002 Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum publish The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Tom McArthur publishes The Oxford Guide to World English.
  • 2009 The two-volume Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary is published by Oxford University Press.
  • 2012 The fifth volume (SI-Z) of the Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE ) is published by Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
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