

Mind Map on agar.IA, created by Emerson Fonseca on 05/09/2017.
Emerson Fonseca
Mind Map by Emerson Fonseca, updated more than 1 year ago
Emerson Fonseca
Created by Emerson Fonseca over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Enemy
    1. WANDER
      1. villager at range
        1. PURSUE villager
          1. villager at his base
            1. WANDER
            2. attack
      2. Villager
        1. few resources
          1. SEEK closest mine
            1. gather resources
          2. enough resources
            1. WANDER
              1. tree
                1. OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE
            2. enemy at range
              1. 1 enemy
                1. PURSUE enemy
                  1. attack
                2. 2 or + enemies
                  1. EVADE
                    1. enemy out of range
                      1. FLEE to base
                        1. another villager at range
                          1. FLOCKING
                            1. choose a leader
                              1. LEADER FOLLOWING
                                1. attack closest enemy
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