

Trabalho de inglês: mapa mental
Lucca S.
Mind Map by Lucca S., updated more than 1 year ago
Lucca S.
Created by Lucca S. over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Concept: Sustentability is about meeting human needs but taking care of the environment for future generations.
    1. sustentability tips
      1. Economic
        1. buy what you really need
          1. buy in stores with socio-environmental practices
            1. get for biodegradable products
            2. electronic
              1. Recycle batteries and cell phones
                1. Only discard if you really need to
                  1. Choose electronics with a good energy-saving ranking
                  2. sustentability in everyday
                    1. choose sustentability means of transport
                      1. produce your own vegetables
                        1. contribute to recycling
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