Huesos de la mano


Mind Map on Huesos de la mano, created by Tania Paredes on 02/09/2014.
Tania Paredes
Mind Map by Tania Paredes, updated more than 1 year ago
Tania Paredes
Created by Tania Paredes about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Huesos de la mano
  1. Capianos
    1. Hilera distal
      1. Trapezoide
        1. Grande
          1. Ganchoso
            1. Trapecio
            2. Hilera próximal
              1. Pisiforme
                1. Piramidal
                  1. Semilunar
                    1. Escafoides
                    2. 8 huesos
                    3. Metacarpianos
                      1. 5 mefacarpianos
                      2. Falanges
                        1. 14 falanges
                          1. Falange media
                            1. 4
                            2. Falange Proximal
                              1. 5
                              2. Falange Distal
                                1. 5
                                2. Pulgar
                                  1. No tiene media
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