

Mind Map on Verbs, created by Ana Caroline Gomes on 09/11/2014.
Ana Caroline Gomes
Mind Map by Ana Caroline Gomes, updated more than 1 year ago
Ana Caroline Gomes
Created by Ana Caroline Gomes over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. future
    1. Present for future
      1. Present continuous
        1. already arranged to do
        2. Presente simple
          1. talk about timetable or programmers
        3. Going to
          1. already decide to do
            1. predict a future (because of now)
            2. will/ shall
              1. decided now
                1. questions with shall ( I and We)
                  1. predict a future
                  2. future continuous
                    1. will be +ing
                    2. future perfect
                      1. will have done
                    3. present
                      1. Present continuous
                        1. am/is/are verb +ing
                          1. Happens right now
                            1. more often than normal
                              1. Is being = acting
                              2. Present simple
                                1. Aff: verb(+s)
                                  1. Neg: don't (doesn't) verb
                                    1. Q: do (does) ... verb
                                      1. Always happen
                                        1. Routine
                                          1. sensorial actions
                                          2. Present perfect
                                            1. have/has past participle
                                              1. Conection with now
                                                1. give information
                                                  1. From the past until now
                                                    1. action finished in the present
                                                    2. Present Perfect continuous
                                                      1. have/has been verb+ing
                                                        1. recently stopped
                                                          1. still happening
                                                            1. repeated over a period of time
                                                          2. past
                                                            1. Past simple
                                                              1. Aff: verb +ed or irregular
                                                                1. neg: Didn't verb
                                                                  1. Q: Did ... verb
                                                                    1. To be = was/were
                                                                    2. Past Continuous
                                                                      1. was/were verb+ing
                                                                        1. Doing some thing in the past
                                                                          1. Set a background
                                                                          2. Past Perfect
                                                                            1. had persent participle
                                                                              1. happened in the past of a past
                                                                              2. past Perfect continuous
                                                                                1. had been verb+ing
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