Personal Interactions


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Jasmin  Gomez
Mind Map by Jasmin Gomez, updated more than 1 year ago
Jasmin  Gomez
Created by Jasmin Gomez over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Personal Interactions
  1. self- esteem
    1. percive yourself
      1. improves your attitude
        1. respect
          1. friendliness
            1. patience
              1. with
              2. and
              3. is how
              4. self-awareness
                1. percive your worth or value
                  1. is
                  2. Positive attitude
                    1. your mental outlook
                      1. is
                      2. initiative
                        1. take actions
                          1. means
                          2. responsability
                            1. willing to be held accountable
                              1. means
                              2. self- control
                                1. allows
                                  1. you to stop and analyza a situation
                                2. time management
                                  1. budgeting your time
                                    1. make a list
                                      1. order of importance
                                        1. continue to rank the tasks
                                          1. create a schedule
                                          2. means
                                          3. creativity
                                            1. the imagination to invent
                                              1. use
                                              2. stress management
                                                1. a reaction to outside pressure
                                                  1. physical
                                                    1. mental
                                                      1. can be
                                                      2. is
                                                      3. assertiveness
                                                        1. standing up for what you believe
                                                          1. is
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