Rules of exponents


Mind Map on Rules of exponents, created by Pau Eunice on 10/08/2014.
Pau Eunice
Mind Map by Pau Eunice, updated more than 1 year ago
Pau Eunice
Created by Pau Eunice over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Rules of exponents
  1. 6.1 "Rules of exponents"
    1. Product Rule: a⌃m  a⌃n = a⌃m+n
      1. Example: x⌃2  x⌃3 = x⌃2+3
      2. Quotient Rule: a⌃m/a⌃n = a⌃m−n
        1. Example: y⌃2/y = y⌃2−1
        2. Negative Exponent Rule: a⌃−m = 1/a⌃m
          1. Example: y⌃−3 = 1/y⌃3
          2. Zero Exponent Rule: a⌃0 = 1
            1. Example: x⌃0 = 1
            2. Raising a Power to a Power: (a⌃m)⌃n = a⌃mn
              1. Example: (x⌃2)⌃6 = x⌃2  6 = x⌃12
              2. Raising a Product to a Power: (ab)⌃m = a⌃m b⌃m
                1. Example: (yx)⌃4 = y⌃4 x⌃4
                2. Raising a Quotient to a Power: (a/b)⌃m = a⌃m/b⌃m
                  1. Example: (x/y)⌃2 = x⌃2/y⌃2
                3. 6.2 "Rational Exponents"
                  1. Exponential Form of m√a is: n√a = a⌃1/n
                    1. Example: 3√x⌃11 = x⌃11/3
                    2. Exponential Form of n√a⌃m is: n√a⌃m = (n√a)⌃m = a⌃m/n
                      1. Example: 4√8⌃7 x⌃21 y⌃14 = (4√8x⌃3 y⌃2)⌃7 = (8x⌃3 y⌃2)⌃7/4
                    3. 6.3 "Simplifying radicals"
                      1. Product Rule for Radicals:n√a  n√b = n√ab
                        1. Example: √2  √5 = √10
                        2. Quotient Rule for Radicals: n√a/n√b = n√a/b
                          1. Example: √18/√3 = √18/3 = √6
                        3. Usefull knowledges: here; "" is a multiplying sign.
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