Biology sex


Thamires Brito
Mind Map by Thamires Brito, updated more than 1 year ago
Thamires Brito
Created by Thamires Brito over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Biology sex
  1. Preliminaries
    1. Orgasm
      1. Female
        1. Clitóris
          1. Penetration
            1. Polution?
              1. Masturbation
            2. Male
              1. Adrenalin and endorphin
                1. Contractions in prostate and ducts
                  1. Ejaculation
              2. Sex in old age
                1. Sex has no age
                  1. Andropause and Menopause
                  2. Embrionary development and anatomy of reproductional system
                    1. Genetic Sex
                      1. XX
                        1. XY
                        2. Gonadal Sex
                          1. Testis
                            1. Ovarium
                            2. External genitalia
                              1. Clitoris, Large labia and Small labia
                                1. Glans, Body of penis and Scrotum
                                2. Internal Genitalia
                                  1. Oviduct, Uterus and vagina
                                    1. Vans deferens,Ejaculatory duct, Epididymis
                                  2. Hormonies envolved
                                    1. Ocitocine
                                      1. Adrenalin
                                        1. Progesterone
                                          1. Testosteron
                                            1. Endorphin
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