Rational Numbers


Exani-II Matemáticas Mind Map on Rational Numbers, created by Jessica Donnadieu on 09/03/2013.
Jessica Donnadieu
Mind Map by Jessica Donnadieu, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessica Donnadieu
Created by Jessica Donnadieu over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Rational Numbers
  1. Definition
    1. {x/x is a quotient of two integers, with denominator not 0
    2. Fundamental property
      1. used to
        1. Write fractions in lowest terms
        2. States that
          1. if a, b, and k are integers with b≠0 and k≠0,then (a∙k)/( b∙k)=a/b
          2. Example
          3. Cross-Product Test
              1. Operations
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