

mapa presente
Tany Mociño
Mind Map by Tany Mociño, updated more than 1 year ago
Tany Mociño
Created by Tany Mociño about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Present Simple
    1. Structure
      1. Affirmative
        1. Sujeto + verbo principal
          1. I walk
            1. She walks
          2. Negative
            1. Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to do") + auxiliar negativo ("not") + verbo principal.
              1. I don't walk
                1. She doesn't
              2. Interrogative
                1. Verbo auxiliar ("to do") + sujeto + verbo principal
                  1. Do you walk?
                    1. Does she walk?
                2. Auxiliar
                  1. I, You, We, They
                    1. "walk, eat"
                    2. He, She, It
                      1. "walks, eats"
                    3. Use
                      1. To talk about things that happen regularly
                        1. Para hablar de cosas que suceden habitualmente
                    4. Present Continous
                      1. Auxiliar
                        1. I
                          1. am
                          2. He, She, It
                            1. is
                            2. You,, We, They
                              1. are
                            3. Structure
                              1. Positive
                                1. Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to be") + gerundio ("-ing").
                                  1. I'am playing
                                2. Negative
                                  1. Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to be") + auxiliar negativo ("not") + gerundio ("-ing").
                                    1. I'm not playing
                                  2. Interrogative
                                    1. Verbo auxiliar ("to be") + sujeto + gerundio ("-ing")?
                                      1. Are you playing?
                                  3. Use
                                    1. To talk about something that is happening at the moment in which we speak
                                      1. Para hablar sobre algo que está pasando en el momento en el que hablamos
                                  4. Present Perfect
                                    1. Use
                                      1. For actions that occurred in a non-specific time
                                        1. Para acciones que ocurrieron en un tiempo no concreto
                                      2. Structure
                                        1. Negative
                                          1. Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to have") + "not" + participio pasado...
                                            1. I haven't played with Laura
                                          2. Positive
                                            1. Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to have") + participio pasado...
                                              1. I've played with Laura
                                            2. Interrogative
                                              1. Verbo auxiliar ("to have") + sujeto + participio pasado...?
                                                1. Have you played with Laura?
                                            3. Auxiliar
                                              1. I, You, We They
                                                1. Have
                                                2. He, She, It
                                                  1. Has
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