Linear vs. Non-linear Thinking


Mind Map on Linear vs. Non-linear Thinking, created by karen navas on 11/15/2019.
karen navas
Mind Map by karen navas, updated more than 1 year ago
karen navas
Created by karen navas about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Linear vs. Non-linear Thinking
  1. Linear Thinking
    1. Related to logic
      1. Linear thinkers follow a set of steps to solve a situation
        1. Advantages: follow a sequence, uses information from problems previously solved, finds a formula in common for finding solutions
          1. Disadvantages: not very creative, cannot create options or reach agreements
            1. Activities: Sudoku puzzles. find how many squares are on the image, find the value of each picture in the puzzle, organize in chronological order
        2. Non-linear Thinking
          1. Related to creativity
            1. Non-linear thinkers make connections between unrelated items
              1. Advantages: it's able to draw conclutions from unrelated items, good artists, creative for solving problems, more than one option
                1. Disadvantages: may be deficient in math and science, it may find difficulty in understanding the effect of a cause,
                  1. Activities: Lego challenge cards, creating a mood board, collecting nature items and compare each other, create a new product and sell it in an interprenurship fair at school, promote environmental solutions
              2. Want to know the way you think?
                1. <a href="">What kind of thinker are you?</a>
                    1. Critial Critical thinking material
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