are all the cells equal ?


Mind Map on are all the cells equal ?, created by Andrea González Zuñiga on 10/12/2019.
Andrea González Zuñiga
Mind Map by Andrea González Zuñiga, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrea González Zuñiga
Created by Andrea González Zuñiga over 4 years ago

Resource summary

are all the cells equal ?
  1. types of cells
    1. cells of the body
      1. stem cells
        1. bone cells
          1. blood cells
            1. muscle cells
              1. fat cells
                1. skin cells
                  1. nerve cells
                    1. sex cells
                      1. cancer cells
                        1. pancreatic cells
                          1. endothenlial cells
                          2. plasma membrane
                            1. both tipes of ER
                              1. nucleus
                                1. mutochondria
                                  1. golgy dody
                                    1. ribosomes
                                      1. lisosomes
                                        1. animal cells
                                          1. plants cells
                                            1. plasma membrane
                                              1. nucleus
                                                1. michondria
                                                  1. both tipes of ER
                                                    1. golgy boby
                                                      1. ribosome
                                                        1. lisosomes
                                                          1. cell wall
                                                            1. vacuole
                                                              1. chrolopast
                                                            2. not all cells are the same nor do they reproduce in all bodies because the shape of an animal, human, plant or some living being may have some equal cells but not all are equal
                                                              1. size
                                                                1. animal cells
                                                                  1. human cells
                                                                    1. plants cells
                                                                    2. nutrition
                                                                      1. plant
                                                                        1. human
                                                                          1. animal
                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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