

Mind Map on Fluids, created by Daimbler Alarcon on 09/02/2020.
Daimbler Alarcon
Mind Map by Daimbler Alarcon, updated more than 1 year ago
Daimbler Alarcon
Created by Daimbler Alarcon over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Density
    1. Property of all materials in which the mass of the substanceis releated to the volume it occupies.
      1. p=m/v
        1. Scalar magnitude
      2. States of matter
        1. Solids
          1. Definite shape
            1. Vibration
              1. Can resist
              2. Liquids
                1. Change shape easily
                  1. Volume
                  2. Gases
                    1. No definitive shape
                      1. Move independently
                      2. Plasma
                        1. Atoms are ionized
                      3. Pressure
                        1. Force applied per unit of area
                          1. p=F/A
                            1. Pascal(Pa)
                              1. Blaise Pascal
                                1. French mathematician and scientist
                          2. Pressure and fluids
                            1. Liquids
                              1. Atmospheric pressure
                                1. Archimede´s principle
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