Reported Speech


Mind Map on Reported Speech, created by Naomi Lira on 27/03/2020.
Naomi Lira
Mind Map by Naomi Lira, updated more than 1 year ago
Naomi Lira
Created by Naomi Lira over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Reported Speech
  1. We use reported speech to tell something that another person said.
      1. Example: I like waffles REPORTED SPEECH She says that she likes waffles
        1. Modals change in reported speech
          1. Can-Could Will-Would Have to-Had to May-Might
          2. We use reporting verbs like say, tell, suggest, promise, advise,ask and a lot more ...
            1. Example: Could you please open the window-she said Reported speech She asked me to open the window
            2. Also time and place adverb change
              1. Now-Then Here-There This week-That week This-That etc.
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