Future with Will - Be Going To - Present Continuous as Future


Mapa: Future with will, be goung to, present continuous as future and quantifiers
Marvelia Martinez
Mind Map by Marvelia Martinez, updated more than 1 year ago
Marvelia Martinez
Created by Marvelia Martinez about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Future with Will - Be Going To - Present Continuous as Future
  1. Future with Will
    1. Use
      1. For predictions when we don't have proof, often after phrases like I think or I believe and with adverbs like probably, perhaps, and maybe.
        1. For example
          1. I think Sofia will study medicine next year.
        2. For decisions we make at the time of speaking.
          1. For example
            1. It's very cold. I'll light the campfire.
          2. For offer
            1. For example
              1. I'll take you home in my car
            2. For requests
              1. For example
                1. Will you please join the music club?
          3. Be Going To
            1. USE
              1. for plans and intentions (things we have decided to do in the future).
                1. For example
                  1. My sister is going to be a nurse
                2. For predictions and things we expect to happen in the near future because of something we know or can see now.
                  1. For example
                    1. Lucas hasn't studied. He's going to fail the test.
              2. Quantifiers: are words and phrases that express quantity
                1. We use
                  1. Some, any, and a lot of/lots of + plural countable noun or uncountable noun
                    1. many and a few + plural countable noun
                      1. much and a little + uncountable noun
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