The ozone layer


Lesson 12. The Earth. MV_PII - Pre-Intermedio 1 EF
Fabby  Pasos Poot
Mind Map by Fabby Pasos Poot, updated more than 1 year ago
Fabby  Pasos Poot
Created by Fabby Pasos Poot almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

The ozone layer
  1. Description
    1. The Ozone layer is a layer of gas high above the surface of the earth.
    2. Benefits
      1. The ozone layer helps to protect it from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, which can damage our skins and cause cancer.
      2. Predictions
        1. Will shut down the holes in the ozone layer
          1. In the future the ozone layer will recover
          2. Solutions
            1. Will not be sprays composed of the dreaded chlorofluorocarbon gases
              1. You will buy lower-consumption bulbs.
              2. Fun facts
                1. September 16th International Ozone Layer Protection Day
                  1. The ozone layer absorbs 97 to 99% of ultraviolet radiation
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