Science Proyect


Mind Map on Science Proyect, created by derek qiu on 06/05/2020.
derek qiu
Mind Map by derek qiu, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by DSCL CVCQ almost 4 years ago
derek qiu
Copied by derek qiu almost 4 years ago
Copied by DSCL CVCQ almost 4 years ago
Ana Carolina Morales
Copied by Ana Carolina Morales almost 4 years ago
derek qiu
Copied by derek qiu almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Science Proyect
  1. The Digestive And Excretory Systems
    1. Excretory system
      1. Parts of the Excretory System
        1. Discharging material
          1. Helps the body eliminate metabolic wastes
          2. Digestive
            1. Break down Food
              1. Some Parts
                1. Pharynx.
                  1. Esophagous
                    1. Salivary glands
                    2. break down into small materials
                  2. Nutrition And Fitness
                    1. Nutrition
                      1. providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
                        1. provides health
                      2. Fitness
                        1. the ability to survive to reproductive age, find a mate, and produce offspring.
                          1. Ability to survive
                      3. Infectious diseases
                        1. diseases caused by pathogens
                          1. the 5 most common infectious diseases
                            1. Malaria
                              1. Hepatitis B
                                1. Hepatitis C
                                  1. Dengue
                                    1. Tuberculosis
                                2. Endocrine System
                                  1. Regulates the body growth, metabolism and sexual development
                                    1. Some parts:
                                      1. pituitary.
                                        1. hypothalamus.
                                          1. the testes.
                                            1. the ovaries.
                                              1. thyroid.
                                                1. parathyroids.
                                            2. The Immune System
                                              1. Protects against disease
                                                1. Types of Immunity
                                                  1. Innate
                                                    1. Adaptive
                                                      1. Passive
                                                      2. Some parts
                                                        1. White blood cells
                                                          1. Antibodies
                                                            1. Thymus
                                                              1. Bone Marrow
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