
INGLES Mind Map on PAST SIMPLE, created by Alejandra Chable Muñoz on 01/06/2020.
Alejandra Chable Muñoz
Mind Map by Alejandra Chable Muñoz, updated more than 1 year ago
Alejandra Chable Muñoz
Created by Alejandra Chable Muñoz over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. We use the simple past to report actions that occurred or did in the past but have already ended
    1. Examples 1. He was a very famous singer many years ago 2. My dad was in the United States last year 3. My brother learned English five years ago 4. My cat was lost yesterday
      1. What do we need to pray in the past? Pronouns + Verbs --- Verbas in the past + Complement 1.- We need a subject, in this case it is a pronoun or it can be a name 2.- We need a verb that is in the past tense to be able to occupy it in the sentence 3.- We need a complement
        1. Rules of regular verbs:
          1. 1.- If it ends in "y" and before a consonant, we eliminate the "y" and add "ied" Example Study Studied
            1. 2.- If the verb ends in a consonant + vowel + consonat and has greater voice strength in that last syllable, we duplicate the last consonant and add "ed" Example Stop Stoped
              1. 3.- If it ends in "e" we add only "d" Example Love loved
                1. 4.- To all the other verbs that do not comply with any of the three rules, we only add "ed"
                2. Irregular verb patterns
                  1. 1.- In the first three verbs of the table that are: write, ride and drive there is a pattern which is:
                    1. i + c + e  We change the vowel "i" for the "o"
                      1. Vowel i + Vowel consonant + Vowel e
                      2. 2.- In the three verbs in the table that are, keep, sleep and feel, the pattern that follows is that all three have a double "e".
                        1. ee  We remove an "e" and add a "t" at the end
                        2. 3.- In the three verbs in the table that are: begin, swim and drink, the pattern that follows is that in general the words that end in in, im and ink, the vowel "i" is changed to a vowel " to"
                          1. We change the "i" for the "a"
                          2. 4.- In the three verbs in the table that are buy, think and bring, the pattern that follows is that when they convert to the past they carry "ought" Converted to the past ends in "ought"
                            1. In these verbs, they will be written exactly the same, both in the present and in the past.
                              1. Cost - Put - Hit - Cut - Shut
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