My plans/Going to


Odaliz Berenice Coral Ruano
Mind Map by Odaliz Berenice Coral Ruano, updated more than 1 year ago
Odaliz Berenice Coral Ruano
Created by Odaliz Berenice Coral Ruano over 4 years ago

Resource summary

My plans/Going to
  1. Next month,I am going to go on holiday.!
    1. But first I am going to buy a new pair of shoes
      1. And I am going to do all my homework
        1. I am going to call my Friends.
          1. On my holiday I am going to have a great time.
            1. When we talk about future plans,we use GOING TO
              1. I AM GOING TO Go on holidays, Do my homeworks, Buy new shoes
              2. When we talk about someone else’s plans, we use:
                1. She’s going to He’s going to
                  1. Examples
                    1. My mom is going to make delicious sándwiches
                      1. My brother is going to go running tomorrow.
                        1. They are going to eat pizza next week!
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