All about alternative energies


Brief info about our relationship with renewable energies and their history
juan david montañez valbuena
Mind Map by juan david montañez valbuena, updated more than 1 year ago
juan david montañez valbuena
Created by juan david montañez valbuena about 4 years ago

Resource summary

All about alternative energies
  1. Alternative energies (Brief information)
    1. First source
      1. The sun
        1. It was born about
          1. 4.6 Billiion years ago
            1. it´s giving us
              1. Heat
                1. Helping us
                  1. To produce
                    1. Fire
                    2. to make
                      1. day
        2. Second source
          1. The earth
            1. was born all together
              1. with the sun
              2. is giving us
                1. Water
                  1. forming
                    1. Rivers
                      1. Lakes
                        1. Oceans
                          1. Waterfalls
                        2. Earth
                          1. forming
                            1. Deserts
                              1. Jungles
                                1. Forests
                                  1. islands
                                    1. coasts
                                  2. Wind
                                    1. forming
                                      1. Warm and cool breezes
                                        1. Hurricanes
                                          1. Tornados
                                            1. Strong winds
                                    2. Third Source
                                      1. The moon
                                        1. was created after
                                          1. the whole solar system
                                          2. it helps to
                                            1. make night
                                              1. strengthen
                                                1. Tides of water bodies
                                                  1. a better cycle of
                                                    1. rest
                                                      1. sleep
                                                      2. The balance of
                                                        1. earth´s electromagnetic fields
                                                      3. Create new life
                                                        1. Fungus
                                                          1. nightime animals
                                                    2. with all this essential
                                                      1. Natural sources
                                                        1. Humanity
                                                          1. Discovered fire ( 770 thousand years B.C ago)- Middle East
                                                            1. Exploited and used coal (2 thous. years B.C ago)- China
                                                              1. used watermills to bring hydrokinetic energy (200 years A.C)- Europe
                                                                1. created effective windmills that work (1000 A.C)- Persian empire
                                                                  1. makes the first natural gas exploting well (1820 A.C)- USA
                                                                    1. creates the first electromagnetic generator (1830)- England
                                                                      1. makes work the first oil well (1850)- USA
                                                                        1. creates the first solar panel with a mirror to heat water (1860)- France
                                                                          1. builds the best system of alternate electricity (AC) (1890)- USA
                                                                            1. makes nuclear powerplants a world reality (1950)
                                                                              1. recognizes global warming by it´s brutal pollution and consider to develop and to research alternative energetic sources (2001)
                                                                                1. Creates solar massive grid systems (2002)- Japan
                                                                                  1. Creates massive aeroelectrical generators systems (2006)
                                                                                    1. Actually feels the Global Warming
                                                                                      1. creates the first eólic to electric energy generator (1887)- Scotland
                                                                                  2. they give us
                                                                                    1. a home
                                                                                      1. food
                                                                                        1. a global community
                                                                                          1. work
                                                                                            1. environmental sustainablity
                                                                                              1. energy security
                                                                                              2. don´t pollute
                                                                                                1. are renewable
                                                                                                  1. are from Nature
                                                                                                    1. are part of our humanity
                                                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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