Spain in the early 20th century


Sexto Social Science 6º Mind Map on Spain in the early 20th century, created by Mrn Dm on 21/02/2021.
Mrn Dm
Mind Map by Mrn Dm, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Mrn Dm
Created by Mrn Dm over 4 years ago
Mrn Dm
Copied by Mrn Dm over 3 years ago
Mrn Dm
Copied by Mrn Dm over 3 years ago
Mrn Dm
Copied by Mrn Dm over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Spain in the early 20th century
    1. 1874
      1. Alfonso XII was the king
        1. He had a son, Alfonso XIII
          1. His wife was María Cristina
            1. She ruled Spain until Alfonso XIII turned 16
        2. 1902
          1. Alfonso XIII was the king
            1. There were conflicts
              1. Opposition to the "turno pacífico"
                1. workers' strikes
                  1. Military conflicts in Morocco
              1. 1923
                1. Military coup
                  1. Constitution suspended
                    1. Political parties were illegal
                      1. Censorship
                2. 1930
                  1. Primo de Rivera resigned
                3. THE SECOND REPUBLIC
                  1. 1931
                    1. The Republican and the Socialists won municipal elections
                      1. President: Manuel Azaña
                      2. CHANGES
                        1. women could vote
                          1. Church lost control of education
                            1. Public schools
                              1. Regional autonomy
                                1. New constitution
                          2. Divided society
                            1. Left wing
                              1. right-wing
                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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