Koala's Life Cycle


Curso Interno de Empresa Inglés Mind Map on Koala's Life Cycle, created by Luz Isabella Matus Estrada on 11/03/2021.
Luz Isabella  Matus Estrada
Mind Map by Luz Isabella Matus Estrada , updated more than 1 year ago
Luz Isabella  Matus Estrada
Created by Luz Isabella Matus Estrada over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Koala's Life Cycle
  1. The koala is blind at birth, completely peeled, without ears and looks like a pink bean.
    1. It feeds only on breast milk for the first six months and remains in the bag for the entire time, while developing eyes, ears and hair.
      1. As it grows it emerges completely from the bag and climbs to the mother's womb to continue feeding.
        1. It begins to feed on some fresh leaves, as it begins to climb onto its mother's back.
          1. From the age of 12 months, he leaves his mother and looks for his own home.
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