Life cycles of a butterfly


primaria Inglés Mind Map on Life cycles of a butterfly, created by Jailynne Alexandra Couderc Gálvez on 12/03/2021.
Jailynne Alexandra  Couderc Gálvez
Mind Map by Jailynne Alexandra Couderc Gálvez , updated more than 1 year ago
Jailynne Alexandra  Couderc Gálvez
Created by Jailynne Alexandra Couderc Gálvez over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Life cycles of a butterfly
  1. Inside the chysals the caterpilar is changing
    1. A caterpilar hatches from on egg
      1. Finaly , it emerges from the chrysals as a butterfly
        1. And the end of te life of the butterfly is went her die
          1. It begins to forma ahrysais around itself
            1. Eggs are old on a leafby on adult
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