
Unidad 2
Jhovany Gómez Sánchez
Mind Map by Jhovany Gómez Sánchez, updated more than 1 year ago
Jhovany Gómez Sánchez
Created by Jhovany Gómez Sánchez over 3 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Principal vocabulary in the work
    1. Company, employee, salary, office, customer, employer, staff, task, boss, bonus.
      1. Teacher, Doctor, Finance manager, Sales agent, Lawyer, Enginneer, Lumberjack.
      2. Frequency Adverbs
        1. Never, Hardly Ever, Rarely, Seldom, Ocasionally, Sometimes, Often, Usually, Always.
          1. Adverbs of frequency express how often (time) we do an action. We use them to talk about our habits. Talk about the frequency in which we develop each activity.
          2. Simple present
            1. Structure: Subject + Verb in present time + complement.
              1. I eat pizza every weekend.
              2. It is used to talk about things that happen regularly. It is used to talk about generalities or scientific facts It is used for events scheduled in the near future.
              3. Present progressive
                1. Structure: Subject + Verb to be + Verb ing + Complement.
                  1. I am playing an important game.
                  2. We use the present progressive to talk about something that is already decided to be done in the near future. It is used to talk about something that is happening at the moment in which we speak. We use it to talk about something that is happening today but not necessarily when we speak.
                  3. Like and Dislike
                    1. To express activities that you like or dislike, use the next structure: Subject + like or dislike + verb ing + Complement.
                      1. I like playing basketball with my family.
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