The Box-plot


useful method for comparing two or more data sets
Silvia Ocaña
Mind Map by Silvia Ocaña, updated more than 1 year ago
Silvia Ocaña
Created by Silvia Ocaña about 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Box-plot
  1. A Data Set Graphically
    1. It consists
      1. Of a scale, a box drown between the first and third Quartile
        1. The median place within the box
          1. Whiskers on both sides of the box and outlier
    2. It constitutes an usefull method
      1. for comparing
        1. Two o more data sets
      2. The Quartiles
        1. Data sets
          1. Whiskers
            1. median
              1. Outliers
                1. scale
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