Presidential Candidates


Presidential Candidates documents
Mind Map by agroca25, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by agroca25 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Presidential Candidates
  1. Zury Rios
    1. Party Name: VIVA
      1. Logo : #GuatemalaHasChange
        1. Political
    2. Lizardo Arturo Sosa Lopez
      1. Party Name: TODOS
        1. Logo:Guatemala change NOW
          1. Economist
      2. José Angel López Camposeco
        1. Party Name: Encuentro Por Guatemala
          1. Logo: Change History
            1. Ex - president of Banrural
        2. Mario David García Velásquez
          1. Party Name : Partido Patriota - PP
            1. Logo :Firm Hand
              1. Lawyer, Economist,journalists
          2. Jimmy Morales Cabrera
            1. Party Name: Frente de Convergencia Nacional (FCN-Nación)
              1. Logo : By Guatemala , happy and Immortal
                1. Political, producer, writer , director and actor in film and television
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