verb to be


la idea de este mind map es identificar todas las formas en las que se emplea el verbo to be dentro de la comunicacion en ingles.
Gabriela Marquez
Mind Map by Gabriela Marquez, updated more than 1 year ago
Gabriela Marquez
Created by Gabriela Marquez over 2 years ago

Resource summary

verb to be
  1. simple present
    1. am
      1. I
        1. am not
        2. is
          1. he
            1. she
              1. it
                1. is not= isn't
                2. are
                  1. you
                    1. they
                      1. we
                        1. are not = aren't
                      2. simple past
                        1. was
                          1. was not = wasn't
                            1. I
                              1. she
                                1. he
                                  1. it
                                  2. were
                                    1. were not = weren't
                                      1. I
                                        1. you
                                          1. we
                                            1. they
                                          2. future
                                            1. will
                                              1. actually this is used as an expression of time
                                                1. won't = will not
                                                2. continuous
                                                  1. She will be working in a few hours
                                                3. ser/ estar
                                                  1. combined forms
                                                    1. there is/ there are
                                                      1. passive voice
                                                        1. to be + past participle
                                                          1. the car was driven by her
                                                            1. the sweets are sold in the shopping.
                                                          2. there was/ there were
                                                            1. with "wh questions
                                                              1. what is your name?
                                                                1. when are you arriving?
                                                                  1. where was she last night?
                                                                    1. who will they stay with?
                                                                      1. why wasn't there any activity?
                                                                    2. present continuous or progressive
                                                                      1. to be + ing
                                                                        1. it is raining today
                                                                        2. past continuous
                                                                          1. They were listening music
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