Theories of origin of the universe


Theories of origin of the universe_Jennifer_Espinosa_1BGU_A
Jenny Mt
Mind Map by Jenny Mt, updated more than 1 year ago
Jenny Mt
Created by Jenny Mt almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Theories of origin of the universe
  1. Big Bang Theory
    1. was
      1. proposed by matter and gamma
        1. All matter in the universe was once concentrated in an extremely dense environment and a hot fireball at the beginning of the universe and then a very large explosion occurred almost 20 billion years ago
          1. dice que nuestro universo se está expandiendo y sigue expandiéndose
    2. Steady State Theory
      1. developed by
        1. Bondy Thomas Gold German y Fred Hoyle
          1. The total size of the mass of the observable universe is constant, therefore the steady state of the universe is not altered at all, so this theory is called the steady state theory.
            1. the total size of the mass of the observable universe is the universe constant
      2. Pulsating Theory
        1. It is
          1. the universe the universe can be defined as the totality of everything that exists that includes all matter, energy, planets, stars, galaxies and all intergalactic space
            1. It is
              1. theory states that the universe is pulsating, which means that our universe is supposed to be expanding and contracting alternately.
                1. The explosion of the universe will take place again and again the expansion of the universe will begin thus in this way this alternating expansion and the contraction will continue in the pulsating universe
                  1. the universe will alternately expand
        2. These three theories explain the beginning and evolution of the universe in different ways
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