Hands on Letters


letters and words
Mind Map by materecolin, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by materecolin about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Hands on Letters
  1. alphabet letters; uppers case and lower case. Presentation of a,b, c,d,e,f and g.
    1. SOUNDS:Beginning and middle short sounds of A-a, E-e. Beginning sound of B-b, C-c, D-d,F-f, G-g,
      1. Spelling words of short sounds of a,i,o; song, will, long,wing,king,and, glad, drop, frog, clap. frecuency words; you, to.
        1. Opposites; pretty-ugly, in-out, black-white,night-day, open-close, happy-sad.
          1. Rhymes; (what is it?) examples; jet-pet, mat-rat, bed-red, pen-ten
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