Information visualisation techniques


Grado Superior Aplicaciones de las TIC a los Estudios Ingleses Mind Map on Information visualisation techniques, created by María del Carmen Rodríguez Carracedo on 27/11/2023.
María del Carmen Rodríguez Carracedo
Mind Map by María del Carmen Rodríguez Carracedo, updated 6 months ago
María del Carmen Rodríguez Carracedo
Created by María del Carmen Rodríguez Carracedo 6 months ago

Resource summary

Information visualisation techniques
  1. Concept map
    1. Top-down diagram showing the relationships between concepts, including cross-connections among concepts and their manifestations
    2. Conceptual diagram
      1. Systematic depiction of an abstract concept in pre-defined category boxes with specified relationships, typically based on a theory or mode
      2. Mindmap
        1. Radial hierarchical relationships showed among pieces of the whole
        2. Visual metaphor
          1. Graphic structure that uses the shape and elements of a familiar natural or manmade artefact or of an easily recognisable activity or story to organise content meaningfully and use the associations with the metaphor to convey additional meaning about the content
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