The Century: a bird's eye view


Mapa mental de el texto: the Century: a bird's eye view
Mind Map by n.planas14.97, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by n.planas14.97 almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Century: a bird's eye view
  1. Wars of the history: THE PAST
    1. 28th June 1992 (Sarajevo)
      1. 1914 - François Mitterrand reminds seriousness of Bosnian Crisis
        1. Weeks later
          1. FIRST WORLD WAR (1914-1918)
      2. 20th century
        1. Destruction of the past
          1. People grow up with any relation with the past
            1. Historians business is to remember what others forget
        2. We are part of this century
          1. We shouldn't forget what have happened
          2. Russian Revolution 1017
            1. capitalism and socialism
          3. Twentieth century
            1. Time with lots of conflicts
              1. Belic Wars
                1. Economic wars
                  1. Alliance: Liberal capitalism- Comunism
                    1. Wins Hitler
                      1. Save democracy
                        1. It was a decisive moment of the twentieth century
                    2. Clash: Socialism- Capitalism
                      1. Religion Wars: XVI and XVII
                        1. Socialism was collapsed
                    3. 1st World War
                      1. 2nd World War
                        1. Season of catastrophes of the society. There were successive disasters.
                      2. Mundial Crisis
                        1. Collapse of communist regimes
                          1. Political uncertainty, inestability
                            1. Tensions over economic issues
                          2. Impossible to determined the future.
                            1. Forecasters always were wrong
                          3. World of 1914 vs world of 1990's
                            1. More people
                              1. More people living but more deaths
                                1. MEGADEATH
                                2. Better feed
                                  1. Longer-lived
                                    1. Better life than their parents
                                      1. INEQUALITY in the society
                                  2. Revolution in transport and communications
                                  3. Qualitatively different world
                                    1. No longer Eurocentric
                                      1. Decline and fall of Europe
                                      2. Evolution of science
                                        1. Communications and transport
                                        2. Disintegration of the old patterns of human social relationships
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