Carrer Break


Mapa mental gratis sobre cómo usar GoConqr para crear mapas mentales online.
Mind Map by florianoemiliof, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
maya velasquez
Created by maya velasquez almost 9 years ago
maya velasquez
Copied by maya velasquez almost 9 years ago
Copied by florianoemiliof almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Carrer Break
  1. Positive Aspects
    1. It gaves you time to acomplish any goal you want
      1. Time to cure any fisical injure
        1. Spend time to realx on a hobby
          1. You are free of work stress
            1. You can raise your children
            2. Negative Aspects
              1. You loos opportunities
                1. Grow in the company
                  1. someone else can take your job
                  2. No paiment in this period
                    1. Exept if it is justified
                  3. Is a period of time in which a person stops the work activity
                    1. The time can be as long as the worker decide
                      1. And for the reasons he want
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