

Mind Map on Timeline, created by monosatrastoy on 23/01/2014.
Mind Map by monosatrastoy, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by monosatrastoy over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 2000
    1. 9th of July
      1. I was born in Vigo
      2. When I was 8-9 months
        1. I said my first word
      3. 2001
        1. Whith one year I started walking
        2. 2006
          1. 24th of March
            1. Was born my brother
          2. 2001
            1. Whith 1 year
              1. I started the Kínder Garden in Abrente
                1. But I don`t go to class becouse allways I was ill
              2. 2003
                1. Whith 3 years
                  1. I start the school
                    1. In Padre Miguez Calasancias Vigo
                2. My first friends are :
                  1. Patricia and Naiara Jimenez was whith me in the Kinder Garden
                    1. Maria
                    2. 2009
                      1. my friends was whith me and it was very funny
                        1. Was whith me my friend Maria and my friend Sara
                          1. And it was very funny
                      2. 2001
                        1. My first biryhay was great becouse I celebrate whith all my family
                        2. 2004
                          1. My father lernt me to swim
                            1. My first extratime activity was the swimming
                          2. 2003
                            1. My first travel was to Mallorca
                            2. 2003
                              1. My first memory is my first travel , when I go to Mallorca whith my parents
                                1. It was my first travel in a plane and when we up i said :
                                  1. mum , i listen wrong
                              2. 2000
                                1. I made my baptism
                                2. 2005
                                  1. I learnt to resd whith te teacher Alberto
                                  2. 2002
                                    1. I I made my first bad thing
                                      1. I stole the chocolate from my uncle
                                    2. My first game
                                      1. The Nenuco
                                      2. 2009
                                        1. 21th of january
                                          1. Was dead my other grandfather
                                        2. 2008
                                          1. 21th of december
                                            1. Was dead my grandfather
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