assure model 1


mind map assure model
Carina Figueroa
Mind Map by Carina Figueroa, updated more than 1 year ago
Carina Figueroa
Created by Carina Figueroa over 7 years ago

Resource summary

assure model 1
  1. Analyze Learners
    1. Identify your audience, competencies and learning styles
      1. Select methods, media and materials
        1. Select the apropriate method for task, materials, design new material
      2. State objectives
        1. Audience who your learners are? Behaviour to be demonstrated, conditions under which the behaviour will be observed Degree to which the learned skills are to be mastered.
        2. Utilize media and materials
          1. Practice using the equipment that you have, be sure to have a plan B
          2. Requiere Learners Participation
            1. Students learn best when they are actively involved in the learning experiences, incorporate questions and answers, discussions, group work, hands on activities
            2. Evaluate and Revise
              1. Determine that the elements of the lesson were effective or more of them need to be changed
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