Multi tenant systems


Mind Map on Multi tenant systems, created by oscarugoster on 06/04/2014.
Mind Map by oscarugoster, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by oscarugoster about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Multi tenant systems
  1. It provides
    1. isolation of data between tenants
      1. option of using separate databases
        1. option of setting individual time zones and locale settings
        2. Has specifications like
          1. multi-tenant systems tend to require less system memory than individual hybris Commerce Suite installations.
          2. is used in
            1. hosting a hybris Commerce Suite to several individual customers
              1. one single, corporate-wide hybris Commerce Suite serving individual countries with individual product and customer data
                1. using the hybris Commerce's CMS module to power country-specific versions of a company website
                2. Tenants allow customizing
                  1. the time zone (and, by consequence, the date)
                    1. The data base in use
                      1. database URL
                        1. database driver
                          1. database user and password
                          2. the available active extensions
                            1. currency
                              1. currency format
                                1. date format
                                2. Has somes constraints like
                                  1. all tenants necessarily use the same hybris Commerce Suite version
                                  2. There are two kinds of tenants
                                    1. Master tenant
                                      1. Uses the database connection specified in
                                        1. Is created Automatically
                                          1. Cannot be removed
                                          2. Slave tenant
                                            1. Any number is allowed
                                          3. Creating new tenants
                                            1. Tenants need to be configured in the or file.
                                            2. Initializa the master tenant must be done before initialize the slave tenants
                                              1. Tips
                                                1. To avoid issues with the length of database table names, the hybris Platform limits the name length of tenants to a maximum of five (5) characters.
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