Tertiary sector


Quinto Ciencias Sociales Mind Map on Tertiary sector, created by Ana Belén Abadías on 17/01/2017.
Ana Belén Abadías
Mind Map by Ana Belén Abadías, updated more than 1 year ago
Ana Belén Abadías
Created by Ana Belén Abadías over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Tertiary sector
  1. Businesses that
    1. provide a service
      1. Offer goods to consumers
      2. 74% of Spain's population
        1. 11% tourism industry
          1. 25% administrative jobs
          2. Health sector
            1. ex: doctors, nurses and dentists
            2. Education sector
              1. ex: teachers
              2. Public safety
                1. ex: police officers, firefighters, soldiers, security guards...
                2. skilled jobs
                  1. ex: mechanics and electricians
                  2. administrative work
                    1. ex: secretaries, bank clerks, civil servants
                    2. cultural professions
                      1. ex: writers, musicians, actors, painters, sculptors...
                      2. judicial system
                        1. ex: lawyers, prosecutors, judges
                        2. transport industry
                          1. Water transport
                            1. cruise ships (passsengers)
                              1. cargo ships (heavy products) and tankers (liquids)
                              2. rail transport
                                1. tranport passengers and products.
                                2. road transport
                                  1. carry lots of passengers
                                    1. deliver products from door to door
                                    2. air transport
                                      1. fast; transport fresh products and passengers over long distances.
                                    3. tourism industry
                                      1. beach tourism
                                        1. cultural tourism
                                          1. rural tourism
                                            1. adventure tourism
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                                            Tema 5: La Unión Europea
                                            Joaquín Ruiz Abellán
                                            El Planeta Tierra
                                            La Unión Europea
                                            Diego Santos
                                            PREGUNTAS CORTAS DE SELECTIVIDAD
                                            6 CCSS. Tema 1: Prehistoria y Edad Antigua. (Repaso)
                                            José Alberto Verdugo García
                                            HISTORIA DE LA HUMANIDAD (INTRODUCCIÓN): LA PREHISTORIA
                                            MANOLO JIMENEZ SUAREZ
                                            IMPERIO BIZANTINO(476-1453)
                                            Enrique Ruiz Velarde
                                            Organización política
                                            Natalia Domínguez Herrera
                                            Las Ciencias Sociales
                                            LA EDAD MEDIA - EDUpunto.com
                                            EDUpunto Por: Ernesto De Frías