The Perks of Being a Wallflower. December 19 to January 1st (1991-1992)


Mind Map on The Perks of Being a Wallflower. December 19 to January 1st (1991-1992), created by zockpkm on 18/04/2014.
Mind Map by zockpkm, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by zockpkm about 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Perks of Being a Wallflower. December 19 to January 1st (1991-1992)
  1. December 19, 1991
    1. The tension builds as Charlie reveals his Secret Santa gifts: slacks, a tie, a white shirt, shoes, and a belt.
      1. For Patrick, Charlie has purchased watercolor paints (so Patrick can make his own painting) and a book on how to play the harmonica
      2. December 21, 1991
        1. All the friends sit around and drink brandy and reveal who was whose Secret Santa.
          1. She kisses him.
          2. Patrick reveals that he's Charlie's Secret Santa. His final gift? A suit coat. "All the great writers used to wear suits all the time"
          3. December 25, 1991
            1. f this letter had a return address, it would be from Ohio, where Charlie's dad's family lives.
              1. When the shopping stress is finally over, Charlie's brother comes home, and the family has dinner.
                1. The next morning, they exchange gifts before driving to Ohio.
                  1. For the first couple of hours, his mom and his Aunt Helen were okay with it, because he didn't talk much at that age.
              2. December 26, 1991
                1. The family visits Aunt Helen's grave on the way home every year.
                  1. Also, Aunt Helen drank, took a lot of drugs, and was very promiscuous growing up.
                    1. Charlie has lived with this guilt ever since. He thinks that if she loved him less, she might still be alive.
                    2. December 30, 1991
                      1. First, he drives to see Aunt Helen's grave, visiting her solo for the first time.
                        1. He tells her all about his life, his favorite books and songs, and his driving test.
                          1. Once he gets home, he spends a lot of time trying not to cry.
                        2. January 1, 1992
                          1. He says he's seeing things move. "I was looking at this tree but it was a dragon and then a tree"
                            1. Charlie feels alternately philosophical one moment and like total crap the next.
                              1. At Bob's house, Charlie can hear Sam and her boyfriend, Craig, having sex, and the noise makes Charlie want to kill himself.
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