the lorax


Milu Orrtiz
Mind Map by Milu Orrtiz, updated more than 1 year ago
Milu Orrtiz
Created by Milu Orrtiz about 7 years ago

Resource summary

the lorax
  1. Voice of reason
    1. Lorax
      1. Speak on behalf of the trees
        1. Protective
      2. Unless
        1. Care
      3. Repentance
        1. Seed
          1. Life
          2. Consciencie
            1. Teaching
          3. Forest
            1. Truffula
              1. Manufactures
                1. Cut down
                  1. Tree
                  2. Animals
                    1. Fishes, birds and bears
                      1. oust
                      2. Happy habitat
                    2. Cities/ progress
                      1. Once ler
                        1. Avarice
                          1. Extravagance
                          2. Thneeds
                            1. Factory
                              1. Contamination
                                1. Town
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