
Milady Julieth BARRERA MARIN
Mind Map by Milady Julieth BARRERA MARIN, updated more than 1 year ago
Milady Julieth BARRERA MARIN
Created by Milady Julieth BARRERA MARIN almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Is Used
    1. For activities that imply some type of manual, creative work, or that poduce some effect
      1. AS
        1. *Make your bed
          1. She has to make the beds.
          2. *Make someone smile
            1. He has to make someone smile
            2. *Make a cake
              1. For Example
                1. We need more sugar to make the cookies.
              2. *Made of wood
                1. we have to made chairs of wood
                2. * Make a choice
                  1. *Make a mistake
                    1. *Make money
                      1. *make an effort
                    2. DO
                      1. when we speak about things in general, when we do not specify the activity. In this respect, much is in use with the indefinite pronouns
                        1. AS
                          1. SOMETHING
                            1. ANYTHING
                              1. NOTHING
                                1. for examples
                                  1. What are you doing today? I’m not doing anything
                                    1. I do the housework in the mornings.
                                      1. The children do their homework in the evenings
                                        1. do the washing up
                                          1. do a good job
                                            1. do your chores
                                              1. do your homework
                                                1. do the gardening
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                                        Collocations with make and do
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                                        anaii aLbMo
                                        Evidencia 3 INGLES - TAKE, MAKE, DO
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                                        Do Vs. Make
                                        rovin a