Understanding and conceptualizing interaction


Mind Map on Understanding and conceptualizing interaction, created by Katya Treviño on 08/20/2017.
Katya Treviño
Mind Map by Katya Treviño, updated more than 1 year ago
Katya Treviño
Created by Katya Treviño about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Understanding and conceptualizing interaction
  1. Understanding the problem space
    1. Common mistake
      1. Solving a design problem by the physical level
        1. Usability goals get overlooked
      2. Making assumptions
        1. Highlights vague ideas that could be reworked
      3. Conceptual models
        1. Integrate ideas
          1. What it should do
            1. What it should look like
              1. That it's understandable the way it is intended
              2. CM based on activities
                1. 1. Instructing
                  1. Examples: Emails, word processing
                  2. 2. Conversing
                    1. Examples: Search engines (Siri, Cortana, Google)
                    2. 3. Manipulating and navigating
                      1. Examples: Dragging icons, 3D simulations
                      2. 4. Exploring and browsing
                        1. Examples: Web pages, portals
                      3. CM based on objects
                        1. Based on something from the physical world
                          1. Example: Spreadsheets
                      4. Interface metaphors
                        1. Hybrid
                          1. Familiar knowledge with new concepts
                          2. Highly successful
                            1. Users can talk about it in existing words of their daily life
                            2. Criticism
                              1. Being used too literal
                                1. Too constraining
                                  1. Conflict with design principles
                                    1. Unables seeing beyond basic function
                                      1. Literal translation of existing bad designs
                                        1. Interferes with creativity of the designer
                                      2. Interaction paradigms
                                        1. Source of inspiration
                                          1. Ubiquitous computing
                                            1. Technology embedded in the environment
                                            2. Pervasive computing
                                              1. Seamless integration of technologies
                                              2. Wearable computing
                                                1. Augmented reality
                                                  1. Attentive environments
                                                    1. Computers attend to user's needs
                                                    2. The Workaday World
                                                      1. Social aspects of technology use
                                                  2. From conceptual models to physical design
                                                    1. Highly dependent on design decisions
                                                      1. Constant adress of possible issues
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