Malaysian Traditional Dance Trainer


Virtual Reality Mind Map on Malaysian Traditional Dance Trainer, created by WILLIAM TAY JING YAN . on 02/08/2018.
Mind Map by WILLIAM TAY JING YAN ., updated more than 1 year ago
Created by WILLIAM TAY JING YAN . about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Malaysian Traditional Dance Trainer
  1. Objectives
    1. to immerse the user through full-body movement and creative dance moves
      1. to preserve the essence of Malaysia traditional dance
        1. to provide a community for players who are into Malaysia traditional dance
        2. Overall Gameplay
          1. Platform
            1. Xbox Kinect
              1. Output
                1. Projector / TV / PC Monitor
                2. Input
                  1. Kinect sensor
              2. Levels
                1. Level 1 - beginner
                  1. Level 2 - Intermediate
                    1. Level 3 - Expert
                  2. Abstract
                    1. Traditional dances in Malaysia is slowly losing its place in this modern age and if there aren’t any action taken it will be forgotten, and the culture will be lost. This application uses Xbox Kinect to help players to learn traditional dances from Malaysia while having fun. Basically, it will have like a tutorial where the application will guide the player step-by-step on how to dance a specific traditional dance.
                    2. Target Audience
                      1. 13 – 17 years old
                        1. Players who like traditional dance
                          1. Players who like Malaysian traditions
                            1. Players who are looking to learn new things
                            2. Problem Statement
                              1. Traditional dance in Malaysia is slowly dying out
                                1. There is no platform for people to try to learn and preserve Malaysian traditional dance
                                2. References
                                  1. Just Dance
                                    1. Dance Evolution Arcade
                                    2. Timeline
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