To what extent is the progression of modern day society reflected in the behaviour of Pirates in the Golden Age?


Mindmap to support Step 1.6 of the EPQ MOOC
Isla Courtney
Mind Map by Isla Courtney, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
TEL Bath
Created by TEL Bath about 7 years ago
Isla Courtney
Copied by Isla Courtney about 4 years ago

Resource summary

To what extent is the progression of modern day society reflected in the behaviour of Pirates in the Golden Age?
  1. Easy to fit with the EPQ requirements
    1. Yes as I have not studied this before and opposing opinions can be argued.
    2. Time
      1. More research needed but not too broad (as long as I focus on one aspect eg. feminism, equality) so could complete in time.
      2. Achievability
        1. There is definitely enough to talk about however may need to make it more specific towards one type of progressive attitude in society. However the theme revolving around Pirates and their legitimacy in history seems futile and may not be significant enough to write a 2000 essay on.
        2. Personal interests
          1. Really fascinated in history and its significance in modern day, interested in the history, myths, legends and actions revolving around Pirates.
            1. However also have to be able to argue a point so will need to gain a lot of knowledge/
          2. Help available
            1. There is a lot of documentation revolving piracy in the Golden Age, however the reliability and accuracy of it can vary.
            2. Your motivation
              1. Fascinated in history and am taking it for A Level and hopefully further so might help later on.
                1. It is not something that has been deeply looked into already, so it feels unique and has lots of indepth research potential.
              2. Ease of finding information
                1. Although there are many historical accounts about the Golden Age, the access of information and reliability of real accounts of Pirates in the Golden Age might be harder to determine amongst other myth and legends revolving around pirates. Therefore research may take a while.
                  1. Important I avoid mentioning films and drama involving Pirates as that is obviously not reliable when arguing my point.
                2. Current coursework
                  1. Briefly looked over the Golden Age during GCSE but focused on Queen Elizabeth rather than Pirates, but already have some general understanding of the society around then and the life of explorers, traders and sailors.
                  2. Ethics
                    1. Yes, it is ethical as it will explore the significance of a historical era and how it links to modern day ideas and opinions and progression within our society in the future.
                    2. Current knowledge
                      1. Some knowledge of Piracy during the Golden Age. General knowledge of progression in society involving feminism, equality
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