
folk literature characteristic
yesenia gomez
Mind Map by yesenia gomez, updated more than 1 year ago
yesenia gomez
Created by yesenia gomez over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Setting
    1. Characteres
      1. animals
        1. talk
        2. witches
          1. roam
          2. magic spells
          3. typical landscape
            1. the tale´s culture
              1. medieval Europ
                1. forests
                  1. castles
                  2. Africa
                    1. jungles
                    2. India and China
                      1. splended palaces
                    1. character
                      1. flat
                        1. simple
                          1. motivation
                            1. jealousy
                              1. love
                                1. fear
                                2. stereotypical
                                  1. wicked stepmotheis
                                    1. jealous siblings
                                    2. hero
                                      1. aided
                                        1. supernatural powers
                                        2. isolated
                                      1. plot
                                        1. shorter
                                          1. simple
                                            1. action
                                              1. repetitious patterns
                                                1. 3 pigs
                                                  1. 3 bears
                                                  2. concentrated
                                                    1. conflits
                                                    2. endings
                                                      1. happy
                                                  1. theme
                                                    1. quite
                                                      1. serious
                                                        1. powerful
                                                          1. espouse
                                                            1. compassion
                                                              1. generosity
                                                                1. humility
                                                                2. example
                                                                  1. autonomy
                                                                    1. Beauty and the Beast
                                                              2. style
                                                                1. economical language
                                                                  1. repetition
                                                                    1. dialogue
                                                                      1. exageration
                                                                        1. visual images
                                                                          1. glass slipper
                                                                            1. bean stalk
                                                                              1. paisoned apple
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